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Schema introspection


Introspection on a schema can be very useful for multiple reasons:

  • Generating types from a schema
  • Knowing which tables are used by a schema to make sure they use REPLICA IDENTITY FULL
  • Knowing which WAL events to listen to

You can introspect a schema by calling the introspection function:

import { introspection, IntrospectionResult, RootSchema } from 'pg-captur';

const schema: RootSchema = {
table: 'users',
primaryKey: 'id',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'column',
column: 'name',
organizationNames: {
type: 'one-to-many',
column: 'id',
referencingTable: 'userToOrganization',
referencingColumn: 'userId',
schema: {
type: 'many-to-one',
column: 'organizationId',
referencesTable: 'organizations',
referencesColumn: 'id',
hasFKConstraint: true,
schema: {
type: 'column',
column: 'name',

const result: IntrospectionResult = introspection(schema);

Given the schema above, the output will look like this:

const result = {
tables: [
table: 'users',
columns: ['id', 'name'],
table: 'organizations',
columns: ['name', 'id'],
table: 'userToOrganization',
columns: ['organizationId', 'userId'],
output: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'column',
table: 'users',
column: 'name',
organizationNames: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'column',
table: 'organizations',
column: 'name',



type IntrospectionResult = {
tables: {
table: string
columns: string[]
output: SchemaOutput

The tables key contains the list of tables that are used by the schema. All those tables should have a REPLICA IDENTITY FULL in Postgres. It can be used to filter WAL events if needed.

The output key contains the schema that will be outputted. You can use it to generate types at build time.


type SchemaOutput = ColumnOutput | ObjectOutput | ArrayOutput

The output schema is a union and can be nested indefinitely.


type ColumnOutput = {
type: 'column'
table: string
column: string

Will return the value of a given column for a given table. It is up to you to know the type of the column and generate your types accordingly.


type ObjectOutput = {
type: 'object'
properties: Record<string, SchemaOutput>

Will return an object with the given properties. Each property being its own sub-schema.


type ArrayOutput = {
type: 'array'
items: ColumnOutput | ObjectOutput

Will return an array of the given type. Notice that by default arrays are not nested.